Action Plan Logo
by Sarah Zolondick
My plan is to implement a work exchange Facebook page that allows people to exchange work for material goods, or work for other work. The idea is based on principle that community building and sustainable communities are more resilient if they do not fully rely on the traditional, market-based economy. A work exchange values the importance of knowing your neighbor and appreciating the hard work others can provide for us in exchange for other goods and services. I see a need in the Amherst/Northampton communities because I believe it would bring the local residents and the students together as well as allow work to be done on a personal level. It is also a very good way for me, as a college student, to get things I need without money (such as fresh vegetables in exchange for childcare). The Facebook page would be a closed group and I would be an admin, regulating conflict resolution and safety in the group. Click here to read Sarah’s full action plan.
[tag work-exchange;-transition-community;-resilient-economy] [category action-plans] [pin 2079752350]