Compost System for My Parents

Action Plan Logo by Sarah McCord For my action plan, I would like to help my parents set up a compost system for their food scraps. Click here to read Sarah’s full action plan. [tag ] [category action-plans] [pin 2079752350]

Banning Plastic Bottles

Banning Plastic Bottles By Angelica Byrne The sustainability through community plan I chose to take into action is the banning of plastic bottles on the campus of the university I am attending. Not only plastic bottles being sold at our distinct cafeterias, but also...

Before Buying an Orchard

Before Buying an Orchard By Alexandria Watts Over the course of the following year I will be redesigning our family garden and attempting to transform a section of our back field into a productive piece of land. Through my endeavors I hope to teach myself how to grow...

An Ar-ray of Hope

An Ar-ray of Hope By Ben Van Gorp A brief summary of my plan would be, I want to get PV panels installed on my roof whether through purchasing them outright, or leasing which ever is more economically viable. I would like to reduce our electric, and carbon impact and...