Our CELL News section provides information, updates, and feedback for past, current, and future CELL students. A CELL experience is more than an exciting “study abroad” program. The purpose of any CELL experience is to ignite a life-long commitment to living sustainably and to giving and receiving support for this commitment through community. Students are introduced to concepts of sustainability during their semester abroad program, but more importantly, once they return home, they learn how to employ these concepts in their own lives through living sustainably and through implementing sustainability action plans in various communities.

Recent Blog Posts
Rebuilding the Homestead Garden
Action Plan Logo by Kevin Katz I want to get the garden at the Homestead up and running again by the time I graduate in Spring of 2020, and hopefully the future Homies will keep it up. For context, the Homestead is some property about a mile away from my University's...
Herb Gardening for Apartment Dwelling
Action Plan Logo by Jessica McClelland I plan to create a small organic herb garden in my apartment, as well as growing bean sprouts and spinach. I will use recycled materials or supplies I already have at home to build the garden on a small budget. I will make...
Making Grenadier Island Green
Action Plan Logo by Isabella Colello For my action plan, I have decided to reinstall my family garden at our summer cottage. Our cottage resides on an old farming island which used to completely provide for its inhabitants. Until about five years ago, my family had an...
Oddbits Hoop House
Action Plan Logo by Avia Z. Kalfa This summer I plan to build a hoop house greenhouse on my parent's 7 acre property and use this activity as a way to teach local children about gardening. My younger brother goes to a forrest school with a small class of about 8...
nO’o nO’o
The documentary “Racing Extinction” definitely hit me on an emotional note. One thing I really enjoyed about the film was the undercover activism that took place in the film - I find that very admirable. I would love to be a “greenie” and exploit organizations and...