Written By: Emily Osborne

Did you know that this Thursday is a double-header holiday?  Well, now you know!  This Thursday, June 20th, we are celebrating American Eagle and Dump the Pump Day!

The purpose of American Eagle Day is to promote awareness of this threatened species and national symbol.  While these majestic birds of prey have been recovering their numbers in recent decades, they still need help restoring their natural habitats.  Find out what you can do to help Bald Eagles today by clicking on the following link: http://www.defenders.org/bald-eagle/what-you-can-do

Learn more about these feathered friends at this website: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/birds/bald-eagle/

Although the reasons for Dump the Pump Day are cited as “rising fuel costs, congested roads, and difficulty parking in urban areas,” there are also environmental benefits for participating!  Instead of relying on your car to get around, consider taking public transportation, riding a bike, or carpooling.  Not only will you save on gas money, but you will also help reduce fuel and carbon emissions, contributing to a cleaner atmosphere.  If you choose to walk, bike, or run, you may even get some good exercise while you’re at it!

Please join us in celebrating American Eagle and Dump the Pump Day, and have a happy Thursday!