by: Courtney Remacle

Since 1997, an Adbusters campaign known as Buy Nothing Day has worked to remodel Black Friday, one of the 10 busiest shopping days of the year and a day notorious for out-of-control crowds, into a day of action-or rather, inaction. As the title suggests, the premise of Buy Nothing Day is that you buy…well, nothing. No stopping at the gas station to fill up or grab a snack, no grocery shopping, no adding things to your Amazon cart, and definitely no participating in the shopping frenzy that is Black Friday. Essentially, you participate by not participating. Stay home, eat leftovers, and check out of our consumer-driven lifestyle and do something important like spend time with your family, spend some time outside-just find something fulfilling to do besides shop.

From the Adbusters website:

Until we challenge the entrenched values of capitalism – that the economy must always keep growing, that consumer wants must always be satisfied, that immediate gratification is imperative – we’re not going able to fix the gigantic psycho-financial-eco crisis of our times.

The journey toward a sane sustainable future begins with a single step. It could all start with a personal challenge, such as this: make a vow to yourself to participate in Buy Nothing Day this year. This November 29th, go cold turkey on consumption for 24 hours … see what happens … you just might have an unexpected, emancipatory epiphany!


Buy Nothing Day 2013

So, this Friday, I encourage you all to stay home from shopping. Reducing your consumption is inarguably better for the environment, and many would say, better for your soul. Holidays can be an especially difficult time to resist the messages of consumption we’re constantly bombarded with, but Buy Nothing Day can be an excellent place to start. After all, what’s easier than staying home?!

Have you participated in Buy Nothing Day before? Have other tips and tricks to keep your holidays sustainable? Let us know in the comments!