I distinctly recall the moment when we stopped suddenly in our tracks along the beach as a glacier rumbled in the distance. In an instant the sound of footsteps crunching on rocks vanished. It was as if my thoughts and movements dissolved into the sand, leaving behind stillness. I entered into a state of noticing the steady lapping of water against the stones, the reflections dancing between ice forms, and the strokes of color painted across the sky. I felt like both an observer and a participant open to soaking in the unfolding gifts of the place. Each day in Vatnajökull National Park, I felt flooded with gratitude for the opportunity to experience the diverse landscapes and wonders of Iceland. I learned that presence has a sturdy home within community and sustainability because it enables close relationships to form and strengthen.  

         This trip offered the gift of truly practicing awareness and presence. I experienced moments of being so wrapped up in my thoughts that I did not really feel the sun on my face or notice the changing shadows against the mountains. A veil lifted when I stepped into mindfulness of the wind pushing against my back while walking on the beach and the different textures and colors of the glaciers. In those moments I could feel myself breathing and moving within the ecosystem rather than floating separately outside of it. When I listened carefully to learn that the four native trees in Iceland are Birch, Juniper, Willow, and Rowan, I integrated this knowledge into my very being and carried it with me. In order to really understand how far the glaciers have retreated in recent years, I found that it was essential to experience the sensations of sun or rain while standing before them.

         These moments revealed that simply being present in a place is a fundamental part of sustainability because it nurtures understanding of how to be in relationship with others and the environment. This engagement brought to light our collective place within nature and deep rooted interdependence.

Teagan Wu
