Before coming to Iceland, I was excited to be able to join such an inclusive community that embraces the differences of all people while focusing on individual abilities and strengths. So far, I have had the opportunity to meet so many community members that openly welcomed our entire CELL group into their everyday lives. Between morning meeting, daily lunch, and weekly game nights, there are always so many friendly faces to encounter and interact with. Many members of the community speak English, but even those who do not are always eager to share a simple smile or hug. Spending time working alongside community members in the workshops in Solheimar is an especially valuable time in getting to meet and interact with others. Times in the ceramics workshop, especially coffee breaks, were filled with silly faces and laughs between myself and a community member who would like to make silly faces and steal the hats off the heads of other students in the workshop.  Coffee breaks in “Sunna,” the greenhouse here at Solheimar, are filled with conversations about numbers, music of all kinds, and the flags of countries all over the world.

Solheimar is not perfect, but it sure is an incredible example of a successful community that embraces abilities rather than limiting individuals based on disability. It is clear to see that care for each other and the community is what pushes each person, handicapped or not, to do their part to shape things to be productive and happy. This mindset is what makes Solheimar such a beautiful place and is what makes this community so successfully sustainable as well as one of the most remarkable places in Iceland.

Ashley Aupperle
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